
5 natural ways to boost your immunity as per Ayurveda

Immunity means Defence. Defence that eliminated chances of infection and getting sick. Immunity can be considered as Multi-Level Defence Mechanism that exists in our Body. Basically Immunity is of two types_ Natural Immunity and Acquired Immunity. Natural Immunity is present in our body since the time of our birth, while Acquired Immunity is developed over the period as we are exposed to infection or by vaccination or by receiving antibodies from donor.

Immunity has never been in such limelight before COVID Pandemic. Almost Everyone is now aware about Immunity and trying his/her best to boost immunity. Most of us rely on natural ways to boost our immunity. In Ayurveda, Immunity is considered as Ojas or as Bala. Under Immunity concept Ayurveda explains about SahajBala as Natural Immunity, i.e. right from the birth. KalajBala as Age related or Season related Immunity, YuktiKrut Bala as Immunity developed with the help of Diet, Exercise and Rasayana & Balya action Herbs.

These Rasayana & Balya herbs are excellent Immunity Boosters, many of them are easily available to everyone. We can add them in our daily regimen and have immunity and longevity bestowed upon you. Let’s see 5 Natural Ways to boost our Immunity as per Ayurveda_

1. Turmeric Milk / Golden Milk: The Golden spice, yes Turmeric is called golden spice not just because of its colour but also because of its health benefits. Turmeric that is Haridra as per Ayurveda is Rasayana herb. Benefits of Turmeric can’t be just limited to its use as spice. It is useful as medicine and food supplement in variety of diseases and conditions.

Adding half teaspoonful of turmeric in glass full of milk is one of the best method to help your immunity to get boosted.

2. Guduchi Kwath/ Kadha: Guduchi /Giloy i.e. Tinospora cordifolia is also known as Amruta….which literally means Juice of Immortality. Scientifically it is evident that extract of stem and root of Giloy/Guduchi has medicinal properties. To list a few benefits of Giloy Kwath we can mention its Antioxidant properties, eliminates toxins, boosts immunity, reduces respiratory problems like cough, cold & viral infections. Just make a kadha/kwath of Giloy stem/roots or powder (2 teaspoons) with 200ml water to boil it until it comes one fourth (50ml) and drink it two times. It’s that simple to follow as home based natural remedy to boost Immunity

3. Amla: Adding Amla to your daily routine is another easiest and really one of the best thing to boost your energy and immunity. According to Ayurveda Amla is Rasayana and helps to strengthen Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Reproductive System, Immune system and other systems as well. Scientific documents show multiple benefits of Amla on Immune System as it provides Vitamin C and Flavonoids as Antioxidants. Vitamin C in Amla is known to increase the activity of natural killer cells leading to toxicity and breakdown of the cancerous cells. In winter fresh Amla is easily available in market but in other season it can be used in its powder/pickle or syrup form.

4. Shunthi / Ginger: Another handy herb in Indian cuisine is Ginger. The dried and processed Ginger in Ayurveda also known as Shunthi is powerful Rasayana to help boost your immunity. It is not only useful as immunity but also excellent in improving our Respiratory Health. Half inch of shunthi grated/shredded & mixed with honey or sugar can be used daily to boost your immunity. Ginger Tea can also be another option to consume Ginger daily.

5. Black Pepper/ Marich : Black pepper deserves more than just a spice in kitchen. Ayurveda has mentioned Black Pepper as Rasayana, it has multiple benefits on Digestive System, Respiratory System & Reproductive System. Latest researches show that Black pepper reduces inflammation and excessive secretions in Respiratory disorder and Infections. Black paper offers anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and many other actions that help to build our immunity and respiratory health.

Finding all these five herbs and using them in our routine is not difficult but if I tell you there is further easier way to boost your Immune system with more than these just 5 ways, would you believe it?  Yes there is actually easiest way, just buy Charak Pharma’s KOFOL Immunity Tablets as an immune booster to your home and have it just 1 tab two times daily to boost your immunity and respiratory health. Charak Pharma is 75 years old Ayurvedic Pharma company that has brought best possible of Ayurveda to our home via its VEDISTRY Division. KOFOL Immunity tablets are ayurvedic immunity tablets,  infused with 8 extremely beneficial ayurvedic herbs that help boost overall immunity and strengthen respiratory health even in this pandemic where everyone is looking for it.

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